Has Facebook become the new primary school playground?

Since the start of this course I have struggled to come up with authentic, original ideas to post a blog about.   This will explain to many of you why I haven’t been blogging. However, today as I read through the news feed on Facebook I came across nothing but nasty, suggestive status updates.   This makes me wonder; why has Facebook become the new primary school playground and why do people feel the need to tell their entire friend list who they dislike and why this is?

I personally feel that if you have a dispute with someone, then by all means make the person aware of it. However, posting status updates such as “girls, who needs them?” or “Pfft you’re pathetic mate” is not going to solve anything.   It is a petty, immature way of saying that you have a problem with someone, and you want everyone to know. Is this because of personal insecurity? Is this because of true hatred for a certain person? I am not one to pen an answer to this question.

In my opinion, I feel a little etiquette is needed to ensure that Facebook’s main aims are still being achieved – connecting everyone in the world together, rather than a playground for petty arguing and point scoring.